Reasons Why You Should Traveling

What your reasons for traveling?
Why spend a lot of money just for traveling activities?

"Better to save money for school." Said a parent to their children.
"Better the money invested for the future." Said a business man.
"Better the money for shopping at the mall." Said some of the girls.
Yes, whatever the answers are out there, they definitely had his own views on money they have. They have more important priorities, and even according to their traveling was not important. Traveling the only activity to spend a lot of money.

Eitsss, but sure? If the reason to traveling like below, how? One of them is that the reason you do the traveling or not?
1. I can see the outside world
Ever heard the term "frog in the shell"? Then what is the meaning of the proverb a "frog in a shell"? This means that we are living and doing activities as only dwell in one place, so there is no freedom or paced in the bridle.
2 Curious
Is it true that Lombok especially Gili Trawangan that has a very beautiful nature? How the life in Karimun Jawa? What kind of taste food from different regions? How it feels to climb the mountain and join with nature?

And of course there are many other questions that make you curious about the beauty of the outside world, right? Therefore, to prove themselves. Go and see it all.

3. Searching a Challenge

Sikunir, Dieng Plateau

Who doesn't want to dive into the sea, successfully conquer the top of the mountain, successfully exploring the city, successfully survive outside the comfort zone. Especially if you do it all before another person or people who you know do it. There's pride in itself you can do it first.

4. Learning to Know Yourself

Trust me, that is a real shark not a lele fish. Be brave!
By traveling you can find yourself, what you like, what you dislike. How strong to walk and move your feet to travel, and perhaps also where the purpose of traveling and what the purpose of your life in the future.

5. Learning to Manage Money and Time
Most of the traveler, certainly smart to manage their money. If a traveler is not smart to manage money, how to go to different places and returned to their warm home?

Traveling need your discipline to manage the time. When to take time off from your job, when to take a train or plane, until what time back to the house, things like that you must think have to be good, right?

6. Self-Study, Responsible, Solve Problems, and Make Decisions
You can try to do everything by yourself. With like that you will know what is right and wrong, and you learn to responsibility accept all the risks. Once you know the risks of the actions you have taken, then you should try to solve all the problems related to it. In fact, sometimes a lot of unexpected things happen in every your trip. Because many roads lead to Rome, smart traveler must determine which path should be taken, right?

7. Learning Other Languages ​​/ Foreign Language

Whether you traveling domestically or abroad, the language used there must be a difference. In Indonesia itself consists of many ethnic who have many different regional languages​​. Use all of it to be a learning tool. Learn to adapt to the language in which you would go there.
8. Work and Achieving Goals  

Which one do you choose?
Who would have thought that traveling fun activities can also produce of income for us? Being a travel writer is probably a dream job for the traveler! While traveling to work or working while traveling? Whichever definitely fun!

9. Thankful

God's creation is so beautiful. There is nothing better than to we continue to keep, appreciate and give thanks to Him.
10. But Whatever The Reason, Finally The Traveling Realizing That You Will Always Be Someone Who Makes Better
Don't believe with the last reason above? Read the previous reasons, and tell me what you think?

6 komentar:

  1. eh ada buku kesukaanku travel 101 writing, hehe :D

  2. I do agree ...all those things you've mentioned before truly reflect the joy of, happy traveling..for always :)..cheers..

  3. Nice share bro... setuju dnegan tip-tips nya ^^
    Btw buku Meraba Indonesia nya masih ada toko buku yang jual nggak ya? hehe

    1. Hmmm mungkin cuma beberapa toko buku yang jual, coba beli online aja bro.


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